
Antagonist of KAT2B, KAT2A



  • KAT2B
  • KAT2A
  • Antagonist
  • 50 nM - 1 uM

In Vitro Validations

Uniprot ID: Q92831
Target Class: Epigenetic
Target SubClass: Bromodomain
Potency: Ki
Potency Value: 1.25 nM
Potency Assay: BROMOscan
PDB ID for probe-target interaction (3D structure): --
Target aliases:
Histone acetyltransferase KAT2B, PCAF, KAT2B, KAT2 ...

DOI Reference: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.6b01566

In Cell Validations

In Vivo Data

No in Vivo Validations

Off-Target Selectivity Assesments

Potency end-point : Ki BRPF3: 100 nM, BRD1: 110 nM, FALZ: 130 nM, BRPF1: 140 nM
Potency assay (off target): BROMOscan assay run at DiscoverX. In the assay, PCAF and GCN5: Ki=1.4 nM, hence >70 fold window to other targets.
Probe Selectivity in Vitro:
BROMOscan assay run at DiscoverX. In the assay, PCAF and GCN5: Ki=1.4 nM, hence >70 fold window to other targets. GSK internal enhanced, cross-screening panel (eXP); a full curve against 53 biochemical and phenotypic assays did not reveal any off-target binding <3 µM.
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SERP ratings and comments

SERP Ratings

In Cell Rating

SERP Comments:

GSK4027 is a potent inhibitor of the bromodomain of PCAF and GCN5 with good selectivity over other BRD-containing proteins. GSK4027 has good aqueous solubility, cell permeability, and it shows cellular target engagement of PCAF as measured in a NanoBRET assay (IC50=60 nM). GSK4027 is non-cytotoxic up to 200 uM. GSK4027 (R,R-enantiomer) is partnered with the enantiomeric negative control GSK4028 (S,S-enantiomer). L-Moses represents an orthogonal chemical probe.

(last updated: 17 Mar 2017 )

SERP Ratings

In Cell Rating

(last updated: 27 Mar 2017 )

SERP Ratings

In Cell Rating
In Model Organisms

SERP Comments:

GSK4027 represents an orthogonal method to inhibit binding of the bromodomains present in PCAF and GCN5 to their targets compared with L-Moses. This compound shows similar in vitro and cellular potency to L-Moses (~50 nM) but was developed on an entirely different structural scaffold. The compound shows good target engagement in a nanoBRET assay against full-length PCAF and excellent selectivity versus other bromodomains, including BRD4 (>10,000-fold) and BRPF2, BRPF3, and BPTF (>70-fold). Compared with L-Moses, this compound showed a stronger response in the cellular target-engagement assays, and its use should take priority over L-Moses. GSK4028 serves as a reliable negative control. As with L-Moses, the one caveat to GSK4027 is that it is difficult to distinguish between effects on PCAF and GCN5 with this inhibitor.

(last updated: 10 Apr 2017 )

SERP Ratings

In Cell Rating
In Model Organisms

(last updated: 17 Apr 2017 )

SERP Ratings

In Cell Rating
In Model Organisms

(last updated: 17 Apr 2017 )